Kamis, 07 Juni 2012

Natural Athletes Foot Cure - Stop the Burning and Itching Now

I know you are probably embarrassed and frustrated with having Athlete's foot. The good news is that there is a natural athletes foot cure. There are several actually, so in this article I will review some of the more popular treatments for you.

Athlete's foot is a bacteria or fungus that thrives in enclosed, warm and moist environments. One such place would be inside your athletic shoes hence the name athlete's foot. Of course it is not only athletes who can get athlete's foot but anyone who allows a dark, moist environment to exist in their shoes.
Athlete's foot can be very painful as your feet crack, blister and peel and become red and inflamed. At times the itching can drive you insane also. You need immediate relief when you discover that you have athlete's foot so here are some remedies that you may or may not have in your home currently.

Here you can choose your natural athlete's foot cure;

1. Tea Tree Oil - This seems to be probably the most popular natural athlete's foot cure. Tea tree oil has natural antiseptic and antifungal properties and provides relief from the awful itching.

2. Vinegar - Vinegar has many magical qualities and can help get rid of the fungus of athlete's foot

3. Baking Soda - Most disease thrives in an acidic environment and athlete's foot is no different. The use of baking soda as a paste or by simply sprinkling some into your shoes combats the acidity in your shoes and acts as a preventative against athlete's foot.

As always it would be much better to never get athlete's foot at all so in order to avoid this problem make sure you start with dry feet when putting on shoes and keep them dry as well. For further information on this and other natural remedies keep doing your research and always look for natural remedies as they are most often the most effective without any negative side effects.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3406690